Ui Inspector
Accessibility Testing
Equal access for all

Accessibility Testing

Making Digital Products Accessible to Everyone - Ui Inspector is committed to ensuring that your websites, software, and other digital products are accessible to everyone, irrespective of people with disabilities. Ui Inspector tests if your products meet the needs of all users.

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How Ui Inspector Accessibility Testing Works

The features your software testing process needs


Run accessibility test

It is a 5-minute test process that is automated according to your set-up of yours.


Generate accessibility issue reports

All test results are recorded for reference and get alerted in case of any accessibility issue found.

3 Detect and fix accessibility issues

Fix issues with no burden as Ui Inspector already gives the root cause analysis of the issue.

Seamless positive user experience for everyone
Involvement of people with disabilities

Seamless positive user experience for everyone

Improve the overall user experience of our products for everyone. Software that is user-friendly regardless of people’s abilities or disabilities, that is a positive and enjoyable experience.

  • Check mark Provide equal access to information and functionality.
  • Check mark Create a more inclusive and diverse user base for the product or service
  • Check mark Software products that are intuitive, easy to use, and free of barriers.
Catch and fix any accessibility issues early on
Automated testing

Catch and fix any accessibility issues early on

Quickly and efficiently identify any potential accessibility issues in our products. Identify barriers that may prevent people with disabilities.

  • Check mark Identify issues with the design, layout, or functionality of a product.
  • Check mark Scan a product to find issues with contrast, text size, or the use of alternative text for images.
Compliance with all accessibility standards and guidelines
WCAG standard

Compliance with all accessibility standards and guidelines

Make your software get tested for the set of guidelines and standards of WCAG. Let your product be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.

  • Check mark Create websites that are usable by a wider audience.
  • Check mark Make even people with disabilities your users, including those with visual impairments, mobility impairments, and cognitive impairments.

FAQs on Accessibility Testing

What is accessibility testing?
Accessibility testing is the process of evaluating a product, service, or system to determine if it is usable by people with disabilities. This includes checking for compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The testing process can include manual and automated testing, and it can cover various disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. Accessibility testing is used to identify and address any barriers that prevent people with disabilities from using a product, service, or system, ensuring that the product is accessible to everyone and promoting digital accessibility, a fundamental right for people with disabilities.

This is important not just from a legal compliance point of view but from an ethical perspective as well; providing accessibility helps foster inclusiveness.
Why is accessibility testing important?
Accessibility testing is important because it helps to ensure that software and web applications are inclusive and can be used by people with a wide range of abilities.

  • Compliance: Accessibility testing is used to ensure compliance with laws and regulations that require organizations to make their products, services, or systems accessible to people with disabilities, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the Equality Act in the United Kingdom.
  • Inclusiveness: It helps to create products, services, or systems that can be used by everyone, regardless of their abilities. This promotes digital accessibility, which is a fundamental right for people with disabilities.
  • Business benefits: Making products, services, or systems accessible to people with disabilities can open up new market opportunities and can also lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Usability: Accessibility testing can help identify and address usability issues that may not be obvious during normal testing, improving the overall user experience for everyone.
  • Technical benefits: Accessibility testing can also help identify and fix technical issues that can affect the overall performance of the product, service, or system, such as poor page load times or broken links.
  • Ethical: It's an ethical responsibility of the organizations to make sure that their products, services, and systems are accessible for all individuals, not only for compliance purposes but also for fostering inclusiveness and equal opportunities.
What types of disabilities do accessibility tests cover?
Visual Impairments: Testing to ensure that the product, service, or system is usable by people with visual impairments, including those who are blind or have low vision. This includes testing for accessibility features such as text-to-speech, high contrast modes, and alternative text for images.

Auditory Impairments: Testing to ensure that the product, service, or system is usable by people with auditory impairments, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. This includes testing for captions, subtitles, and audio descriptions for videos.

Motor impairments: testing to ensure that the product, service, or system is usable by people with motor impairments, including those who have difficulty using a mouse or keyboard. This includes testing for accessibility features such as keyboard navigation and alternative input methods such as voice commands.

Cognitive impairments: testing to ensure that the product, service, or system is usable by people with cognitive impairments, including those with conditions such as autism, dyslexia, or ADHD. This includes testing for clear and consistent navigation, simple language, and ease of use.
How is accessibility testing performed?
Accessibility testing can be performed manually or using automated tools. Manual testing typically involves checking the software or web application using tools such as screen readers and keyboard navigation. Automated testing tools can also be used, including those that check for compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines.
Who is responsible for performing accessibility testing?
It depends on the organization, but accessibility testing is often the responsibility of the development or QA team. However, the whole organization should be aware of accessibility and its importance, including the senior management and stakeholders.
Can accessibility testing be integrated into the development process?
Yes, accessibility testing can be integrated into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) by performing accessibility testing during each phase of the SDLC, such as during development, testing, and deployment. This can help to identify and fix accessibility issues early on, which can save time and resources in the long run.
What are some common accessibility issues that are identified during testing?
There are many different types of accessibility issues that can be identified during testing. Here are a few common ones:

  • Lack of text alternatives: Some images, videos, or other non-text content may not have adequate text alternatives, making them inaccessible to people who use screen readers or other assistive technologies.
  • Poor color contrast: The contrast between the text and the background may be too low, making it difficult for people with visual impairments to read the text.
  • Lack of keyboard accessibility: The product, service, or system may not be usable with a keyboard only, which can be difficult for people with motor impairments who have difficulty using a mouse.
  • Insufficiently labeled form controls: Form controls, such as buttons and text fields, may not be properly labeled, making it difficult for people with cognitive impairments or visual impairments to understand their purpose.
  • Complex Navigation: Navigation menus may be complex and poorly organized, making it difficult for people with cognitive impairments to find the information they need.
  • Missing semantic structure: Web pages may be missing appropriate headings, lists, and other semantic elements, making it difficult for people who use screen readers to understand the content of the page.
  • Inconsistency in layout and design: Pages may be laid out in an inconsistent manner, making it difficult for users to navigate and locate information.
  • Unlabeled or ambiguous links: Links may be unlabeled or not describe the destination of the link, making it difficult for users to know where they are going.
  • Unpredictable interactions and dynamic content: Interactive elements on web pages, such as pop-ups and modals, may not be properly labeled or marked up, making it difficult for users with cognitive and visual impairments to understand what is happening on the screen.
How does accessibility testing differ from usability testing?
Accessibility testing is specifically focused on testing for compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines, whereas usability testing is focused on evaluating how easy a website or application is to use for all users. While both accessibility and usability testing are important, they often focus on different aspects of the user experience.
Are there any legal requirements for accessibility testing?
In some countries and regions, there are laws and regulations that require organizations to make their websites and applications accessible to people with disabilities, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the Equality Act in the United Kingdom. Failure to comply with these laws can result in legal action and penalties, so it's important for organizations to conduct accessibility testing to ensure compliance.
Is accessibility testing a one-time task?
No, accessibility testing should be ongoing. Websites and applications are continually updated and changed over time, so it's important to continually test for accessibility to ensure that changes don't introduce new accessibility issues. It's also important to test new features or functionalities that are added.
How do I decide what tools to use for accessibility testing?
There are many automated accessibility testing tools available, both commercial and open-source. The choice of tool may depend on budget, the team's technical skill, the specific needs of your project, the targeted accessibility standard, and the complexity of the web application. It's important to carefully evaluate the capabilities of different tools before making a decision.
How do I test a website or application for accessibility?
Accessibility testing can be done manually or with automated tools. Manual testing involves manually checking the website or application using different assistive technologies, such as screen readers or keyboard navigation, and evaluating if it is accessible for users with different abilities. Automated testing tools can also be used, which can quickly identify potential accessibility issues and check for compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines.
Can automated tools replace manual testing?
Automated tools can quickly identify potential accessibility issues and check for compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines, but they cannot replace manual testing. Automated tools may miss some issues that can only be identified through manual testing, such as testing for usability and user experience. It's best to use a combination of manual and automated testing for complete accessibility testing.
Can accessibility testing be done remotely or only on-site?
Accessibility testing can be done remotely or on-site; it depends on the accessibility testing method. Manual testing typically involves testing on-site, while automated testing can be done remotely. If you are conducting remote testing, it is important to ensure that you are testing on the same type of device and with the same assistive technology as users will use to access the website or application.
What are the best practices for conducting accessibility testing?
Accessibility testing can be a complex process, but there are several best practices that can help ensure that the testing is comprehensive and effective:

  • Involve users with disabilities in the testing process: Including users with disabilities in the testing process can provide valuable insights into the accessibility of the product, service, or system and help to identify any issues that may not be obvious during normal testing.
  • Test early and often: Testing at an early stage of the development process can help identify and fix accessibility issues before they become more difficult and costly to address. It's also important to test regularly as a part of continuous integration and to continue to test as new features are added.
  • Use a combination of manual and automated testing: While automated testing can quickly identify potential accessibility issues, manual testing is still necessary to evaluate the usability and user experience of the product, service, or system.
  • Involve accessibility experts in the testing process: Accessibility experts can provide valuable guidance and expertise on accessibility testing and help to ensure that the testing is comprehensive and effective.
  • Use a clear methodology and framework to guide the testing process. Having a clear methodology and framework for accessibility testing can help ensure that all relevant areas are covered and that the testing is consistent and repeatable.
  • Document the findings in a clear and actionable format: It's important to document the results of the testing in a clear and actionable format so that the relevant stakeholders can understand the issues that have been identified and develop a plan to address them.
How do I evaluate the results of the accessibility testing?
Once accessibility testing is complete, the results should be analyzed to determine if any issues were identified and how severe they are. The results should be documented and reported to the relevant stakeholders, and a plan should be developed to address any identified issues. It is important to prioritize the issues and address the most critical ones first.
How can accessibility testing be integrated into development?
Accessibility testing can be integrated into Agile development by including it as part of the definition of "done for user stories" and by involving accessibility experts in sprint planning and review meetings. It's also important to test early and often and to prioritize accessibility issues along with other issues identified during testing.
What are the best practices for making your website or application more accessible?
Best practices for making a website or application more accessible include providing text alternatives for non-text content, ensuring that the website or application can be used with a keyboard only, providing clear and consistent navigation, and testing the website or application with a wide range of assistive technologies. It's also important to ensure that the website or application meets web accessibility standards and guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
How can I ensure the accessibility of third-party components?
Ensuring the accessibility of third-party components can be a challenge, especially if the components are not designed with accessibility in mind. Best practices include conducting an accessibility review of the third-party components before they are integrated into the website or application and testing the website or application with the third-party components to ensure that they are accessible.
Can you give an example of a successful accessibility testing project?
One example of a successful accessibility testing project is the accessibility testing of the U.S. Social Security Administration's website. The SSA team worked with accessibility experts to test the website using a combination of automated and manual testing, and identified and addressed a wide range of accessibility issues. As a result of the testing, the SSA's website is now more accessible to users with disabilities, and the SSA was able to avoid potential legal action.

Automated UI testing made easier.

Requires little to no time for the maintenance of your web applications.

Smart test scheduling
Smart test scheduling

Schedule your tests to run at any specific intervals to catch any issues that may arise.

Cross Browser Testing
Cross Browser Testing

Run tests on different browsers, to ensure that your web application is fully tested across different platforms.

Upkept tests
Upkept tests

Update test URLs anytime your web application changes, & fix broken tests, and easily add and remove test actions.

Easy configuration
Easy configuration

Simple steps to install and organize your tests into folders and tags to keep track of your tests.

Real-time alerts
Real-time alerts

Get notifications when your tests fail or encounter an error, and stay informed of any issues with your web application.

Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection

Debug your tests by jumping ot tests. View test execution history. Access browser logs & console output.

Tireless chat support
Tireless chat support

24/7 with a real person for additional guidance and assistance, including documentation, and tutorials.

Comprehensive test report
Comprehensive test report

Get detailed reports on the results of your every test, Export & share reports with your team to rectify them instantly.


Automate your testing workflow and integrate it with your favorite tools, platforms, and processes.

Automated Ui and API Testing

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Automated testing tools have zero chance of losing concentration or missing recorded actions and can work 24/7.

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